October 22, 2008

her favorites

{thank you again for continued prayers for our son :: he struggles still with wheezing, but is steadily improving. we ask Him for grace in this journey...}

Jordyn, age 5, is currently enjoying:

1. Tea Time incorporated into her school days :: oh, the pleasure of watching this little one relish in the preparation--setting the table, laying out 'fancy dishes', and relaxing a moment with Mama. And sisters too if they dare join in the bubbling conversation:

'Welcome to my home Mrs. Featherbrush {we make up the names as they come to mind} Would you care for a cup of tea?

'Why, I'd be delighted Mrs. Poppyseed! It has been quite a long journey, for on the way here I happened across....' {and on the story continues as imagination takes over}

2. The Fancy Nancy books :: she has found a kindred spirit.

3. A video on homeschooling families that brings on fits of giggles and dancing. This is a favorite going strong for months now.

4. The Picnic Game. Check eBay, which of course is where Mama fills {with selling} & drains {purchases!} her Paypal account.

5. Cranium Cadoo and Zingo :: other games of great interest for this girl

6. drawing in her nature notebook....

7. cooking, seeking to be in the kitchen often :: making butter & biscuits

8. blocks!

9. her Daddy :: a bond that began in the womb I'm convinced

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