April 20, 2008

A Good Break

I know, I know. I should have written that there would be a pause in posts around here!

It was good to take a bit of a break during some busy weeks, unusually so for our family. But, we've weathered the activities and the going here and there. Now, there is a need to settle a bit and prepare for the next round of events. We have a graduating senior who will also be 18 this summer, so there are some celebrations to plan for--exciting! That will bring its own hulabaloo, but life is about building relationships, even around party planning {smile!}.

Other than that, on my mind is what to do about our garden plot. This is a yearly debate and concern. We've planted and not planted. What to do is always a question. It's was here when we bought the house, it's a good size and it's fenced. What more could I ask for? A small problem is that we have friends with even larger gardens that give us produce; and we have numerous farmer's markets close by.

But, there is just something about planting and watching things grow and then eating the fruit of your labor. So the question remains....does our family want to labor!?

We'll see. I'll let you know.
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