"Encouragement for a Mother's Heart". While there is much to be said on the topic, for us the focus each week was on the word 'treasure' and various significant scriptures for life application. Thought I would record some of what was shared and offer it to Mamas out there in blog world.
"For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Matthew 6:21
So many times our mother's heart is filled with the thoughts of what we need to do...the organizing, the managing, the daily tasks and the running here and there. Other times we have concerns, questions and doubts that crowd our hearts and minds. Or we think too much on what needs improvement in our lives or the lives of our children. What is the primary beat of your mother's heart right about now?
It's not that these things necessarily go away or even need to. As Moms we have much to do! And often times we are prompted to be concerned about an area that would have probably slipped our minds. That's all normal and good; and we cannot brush off our responsibilities or be lazy in our approach. It's when the tasks or questions so fill our heart that there is not room for the precious, the uplifting or the treasures that we miss out on having a heart full of joy.
In your mother's heart, are you storing up treasure? Not solely of the faces, the events or the words of the ones in your care...but of what is right in your journey o
"Finally MOTHERS (okay, the NIV says 'brothers'), whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things." Phillipians 4:8 (emphasis added)
So as you recognize areas of weakness in you as a mother, also store up thoughts of when there was a confidence about what you were doing. Or how about pausing to think on {gulp!} things gone well? How you might have failed, but didn't. Not necessarily to drive away the doubt, but to store up treasure of God's faithfulness to us so that our hearts can be in the right place. I'm not trying to promote an attitude of thinking we've arrived or that we or our children are in need of no improvement! However, it's humanity's default mode I believe to condemn ourselves. Perhaps that is the reason why we needed the command to think otherwise?
Pause this week and think on the excellent and admirable parts of the motherhood journey you're currently experiencing. And then, give Him praise for it.