February 20, 2009

parenting encouragement

I'm only halfway through Grace-Based Parenting, but without reservation I can say that it is probably the best foundational book on raising children that has come across our home. There are others I'm sure. In the past, I've been reluctant to read many parenting resources, books, listen to audio series, etc.

Not because the resources themselves had any fault on their own, but in my earlier parenting days, it all was causing me too much stress. The root cause? I wasn't listening to the Creator of my children for direct instruction :: you know, the One who understands them inside and out? So began a multiple-year journey of praying earnestly as the Lord took me through the Scriptures to understand His parenting style---one that is full of high standards & expectations, and yet is built on the strong foundation of grace. That is what excites me about this book since the vision is the same--I'm relearning and learning much. What resulted from my 'walk through the Word' was not perfect motherhood, but a deep and rich grasp of such glorious truths; and I'm still growing.
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