Oh, life is full right now! Full of goodness, full of randomness (is that a word?) and a tinge of heaviness, though overall much is good. Ever have a season like that?
I have found that when the pendulum swings a little too far off and I feel a bit out of balance or the ‘carpet pulled out from under my feet’….seeking out His grace gifts all around restores perspective. Oh, His grace. It is more than sufficient :: much more than I deserve or can ask or hope for. And so I praise Him….
for the completion of another school year of learning and growing with my children
for they have taught me much
the freshness of new growth :: vegetables, fruits in season
the sound of the birds, whispering their songs outside my window
the love of cooking :: making & creating
for the promise of beauty rising from ashes
for the faithfulness of a husband who protects and provides
the steadiness of friendship
laughter! :: the gift of humor is truly that…a gift
for my One and Only, Jesus. How I love you so.
Pause today and reflect ~ give thanks for the grace all around, always present.