September 4, 2009

another school year

Though the time has already come for many homeschooling families we know, and the big yellow bus has been seen down the street for several of our neighbors' children…our family is gearing up for another school year that will commence {I love that word!} next week. I hope.

That’s just a joke, we really are anticipating a new journey and the unfolding of another year of learning and making memories. This week has been filled with trying out some new routines for the children & implementing new bedtimes and wake-up times~we’re rusty on these! We also worked on decorating fresh journals for our Bible time :: I’ll describe these in another post.


Homeschooling has been such a blessing to our family! I’m not of the persuasion that it’s best for every family unit and we did not always think this path was the right one to travel. Now, I describe homeschooling as God’s provision for us, the manna that will sustain the type of family life we desire to pursue in the middle of also trying to live out other visions God has ordained. Bread from His hand, truly.

Our responsibilities stretch us and require quite a bit from both my husband and I :: yet we enjoy abundant, rich family times and what I would describe as strong relationships with our children. Sure, we are improving and growing as parents, but I have very little regrets when it comes to time with our kids—they are a priority. I’m not bragging, just explaining how homeschooling has fit so nicely into our lives. We have lots of time together and flexibility to work around Dad’s schedule so that field trips or outings can include him as well.

Oh, don’t get me wrong…it’s hard work. Anything of great value requires sacrifice; isn’t that just a principle of life? Yes, it’s at times an overwhelming pursuit and journey, but I’m simply blown away by the rewards we have experienced already.

So here we go into another year!

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