July 9, 2010

in the midst

In the middle of everything {I’ll just let that word cover all from minor to major stuff}, I try to always be aware of the everyday, the common things to be grateful for.  Instead of listing out my own gifts today, I encourage the community of readers here to consider starting their own gratitude list.  Maybe you’ll blog it.  Or just a notebook that is written in as time allows.  Maybe you’ll just make a list for today.  Whatever the avenue, pause and look for the gifts around you.  Why?  I offer a short list~

Gratitude rejects negativity.  It will literally push away the small talk of complaining!  This is not a practice of denying the realities we face, but rather allowing gratefulness to also fall from our lips.

Gratitude focuses on God’s goodness, not the lack of it.  Whining and grumbling foster an attitude of telling God what He has not done, but gratitude has the opposite effect.

Gratitude reduces stress.  Simply Google that phrase and find a wealth of information on the topic.  Not only in Christian circles, but health magazines, workplace websites, etc.  Give yourself a break and express gratefulness today!


And remember always that gratitude is a choice; it will not just happen, we must make it happen and be intentional in the pursuit. 

So, as we enter a weekend full of what ever life holds for you :: can we pause a moment and write out a few thanksgivings?  Be blessed friends…


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